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Telephones / phone repairs

Games for your phone

The popularity of phone games has increased dramatically, and the total revenue of games on this device now exceeds that of both consoles and PC games. It's easy to understand: your smartphone is always with you, but your games console or PC is not. We often have free time when we're waiting for something or when we're travelling and want to be entertained, but using a smartphone for gaming is not... Read More "Games for your phone

How does your phone react to the cold?

Some mobile phone manufacturers do not guarantee that their devices will work properly in cold weather, while others claim that their phones can function smoothly even in extreme cold such as -20 degrees Celsius. So which of these phones are more resilient to winter conditions, and which ones are better left outdoors during the cold season? "Apple finds that... Read More "How does your phone react to the cold?

Using your phone safely

Charge your phone with original or high-quality chargers and cables. This ensures that your phone gets the right amount of power and maintains battery performance. Avoid charging your phone for too long; disconnect it when charging reaches 100%. Keep your phone's battery level between 20% and 80% for optimal performance. Switch off unnecessary features such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and local services when they are not needed... Read More "Using your phone safely

Maintaining your phone battery

Manufacturers are focusing on improving battery efficiency to meet the growing needs of today's smartphone users, who rely heavily on their devices for a wide range of everyday tasks. Smartphone battery care starts with understanding how to charge the battery properly to optimising it. In addition, there are a few things you can do to take care of your smartphone battery: Monitor the battery status. Read More "Maintaining your phone battery

Keeping your smartphone clean

Regular cleaning and maintenance It may not seem like it, but smartphones collect dust. A close analysis of smartphone users shows that people carry their phones everywhere. This may be convenient, but it means that smartphones are exposed to lots of dust particles. Clean the screen and the case: of all the parts of your phone, the most susceptible to dust are the screen and the body... Read More "Keeping your smartphone clean

Phone repair process: step by step

Imagine this scenario: your phone experiences a fault. It could be a cracked screen, a battery that suddenly stops charging, or a malfunction in the operating system. The range of faults is wide and varied. Then, without delay, you gather all the necessary documents and visit the phone repair specialists. After an initial check of your phone's condition, you're given a replacement unit and the repair technicians promise to contact you when your phone is... Read More "Phone repair process: step by step

Defects in your phone's camera

An increasingly common problem with phone cameras is a defect called "lens flash". Lens flare occurs when bright light hits the camera lens and creates an unwanted reflection or halo in the photo. In extreme cases, this can lead to overexposure or even image distortion. Lens flares are particularly problematic for photographers who use phone cameras, as they can lead to... Read More "Defects in your phone's camera

Sensors in your phone not working

One of the most common causes of phone sensors not working is physical damage to the device. If the phone has been dropped or exposed to water, the internal components may be damaged, preventing the sensors from working properly. In addition, dirt and dust accumulated inside the phone can interfere with the sensors. Another common cause of sensor failure is a software problem. If you have recently updated your phone's operating... Read More "Sensors in your phone not working

Battery overheating in your phone

Overheating your phone's battery can cause serious damage. Excessive heat causes batteries to discharge faster, reducing their capacity and causing them to run out completely. It is important to take the following precautions when using your device: By taking the following steps, you can avoid serious damage to your device due to overheating of the battery. By taking care of your device now, you can save money in the long run! For more information on how to care for your appliance battery, see... Read More "Battery overheating in your phone