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Patikrinkite savo perforatorių dėl traumų ir sprendimų, siekiant atkurti efektyvumą

Pirmiausia, pradėkite nuo reguliaraus valymo. Dulkės ir smėlis gali kauptis ant perforatoriaus, trukdydami jo veikimui ir netgi sukeldami perkaitimą. Po kiekvieno naudojimo rekomenduojama nuvalyti įrankį šluoste. O periodiškai, kas kelis mėnesius, atlikite išsamesnį valymą, nepamiršdami išvalyti aušinimo angas. Kitas svarbus aspektas – stebėti įrankio dėvėjimąsi. Patikrinkite, ar nėra pažeidimų korpuse, laiduose ar kituose komponentuose. Jei… Read More "Patikrinkite savo perforatorių dėl traumų ir sprendimų, siekiant atkurti efektyvumą

Išmanieji namai Vilniuje: kaip pritaikyti technologijas kasdienybėje

Išmanieji namai tampa vis populiaresni Vilniuje, ir tai nenuostabu. Technologijos padeda ne tik pagerinti gyvenimo kokybę, bet ir taupyti laiką bei energiją. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime, kaip pritaikyti modernias technologijas kasdieniam gyvenimui Vilniuje. Išmanieji apšvietimo sprendimai Vienas iš labiausiai paplitusių išmaniųjų namų elementų yra išmanieji apšvietimo sprendimai. Jie leidžia reguliuoti šviesos intensyvumą, spalvą ir įjungti arba… Read More "Išmanieji namai Vilniuje: kaip pritaikyti technologijas kasdienybėje

Smartphone components: how they work and what you need to know about them

Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. They not only allow us to communicate, but also give us access to information, entertainment and make many everyday tasks easier. To better understand how these devices work, we need to familiarise ourselves with their main components. The main components of a smartphone Smartphones are made up of many components, each of which has an important function.... Read More "Smartphone components: how they work and what you need to know about them

How do I extend the battery life of my smartwatch?

Smartwatches are becoming increasingly popular for their many features and convenience, but one of the most common complaints is battery life. Here are some tips on how you can extend the battery life of your smartwatch. Reduce screen brightness One of the biggest consumers of power is your smartwatch screen. Reduce the brightness of your screen manually or set an automatic brightness adjustment.... Read More "How do I extend the battery life of my smartwatch?

"Google buys microLED startup developing displays for AR glasses

Although Google Glass was a failure, the company has not abandoned the concept of smart glasses. It has not had much success with new designs on its own, so it has turned to acquiring start-ups to attract new talent and technology. Two years ago, it acquired AR glasses maker North and now Raxium, which develops microLED displays for AR and VR applications. The acquisition price is undisclosed, but... Read More ""Google buys microLED startup developing displays for AR glasses

Moderator sues TikTok

A former TikTok content moderator is suing the social media giant and its parent company ByteDance for allegedly failing to take measures to protect her mental health after she watched hours of traumatising videos that included cannibalism, rape, animal mutilation, and suicide, amongst other disturbing activities. In a proposed class action lawsuit, Candie Frazier, who... Read More "Moderator sues TikTok