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Elektriniai paspirtukai / elektrinių paspirtukų remontas

How to effectively upgrade the electronic components of an electric scooter: tips from the experts

Electric scooters have become increasingly popular and their use in everyday activities is growing. However, over time, like any other electronic equipment, scooter components can wear out or become obsolete. Here are some expert tips on how to effectively upgrade the electronic components of an electric scooter. 1. Assess the current condition It is important to carry out a thorough diagnostic before proceeding with upgrades. Check the battery, motor, control system and... Read More "How to effectively upgrade the electronic components of an electric scooter: tips from the experts

Steps to repair electric scooters: from wheel maintenance to upgrading the control system

Electric scooters are becoming an increasingly popular means of transport in cities. They are environmentally friendly, cost-effective and convenient. However, like any other means of transport, they require maintenance and repair. In this article, we will discuss the basic steps for repairing electric scooters, from maintaining the wheels to updating the control system. Wheel maintenance and replacement The wheels of electric scooters are one of the most important components to ensure... Read More "Steps to repair electric scooters: from wheel maintenance to upgrading the control system

How to properly maintain the battery of an electric scooter in Klaipeda: expert advice

Elektriniai paspirtukai tampa vis populiaresni miestuose visame pasaulyje, o Klaipėda nėra išimtis. Ši transporto priemonė yra patogi, ekologiška ir ekonomiška. Tačiau, kad jūsų elektrinis paspirtukas tarnautų ilgai ir veiktų efektyviai, būtina tinkamai prižiūrėti jo bateriją. Šiame straipsnyje pateiksime ekspertų patarimus, kaip tai padaryti. Pasirinkite tinkamą baterijos įkrovimo laiką Vienas svarbiausių aspektų prižiūrint elektrinio paspirtuko bateriją… Read More "How to properly maintain the battery of an electric scooter in Klaipeda: expert advice

How to maintain and repair the wheel bearings of an electric scooter: tips from Kaunas

Elektriniai paspirtukai tampa vis populiaresne transporto priemone Kaune ir kituose Lietuvos miestuose. Jie yra praktiški, ekologiški ir gali padėti sutaupyti laiko. Tačiau, kaip ir bet kuri kita transporto priemonė, elektriniai paspirtukai reikalauja periodinės priežiūros. Viena svarbiausių dalių, kurią reikia reguliariai tikrinti ir, prireikus, taisyti, yra ratų guoliai. Šiame straipsnyje pateiksime keletą patarimų, kaip tinkamai prižiūrėti… Read More "How to maintain and repair the wheel bearings of an electric scooter: tips from Kaunas

Tips on how to repair the control system of an electric scooter in Vilnius

Elektriniai paspirtukai tapo populiaria transporto priemone Vilniuje dėl jų patogumo ir ekologiškumo. Tačiau, kaip ir bet kuri kita technika, jie gali kartais sugesti. Viena dažniausių problemų yra valdymo sistemos gedimai. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime, kaip diagnozuoti ir taisyti elektrinio paspirtuko valdymo sistemą. Diagnozė: kai reikia nustatyti gedimo šaltinį Pirmiausia, svarbu tiksliai nustatyti, kas yra negerai. Štai… Read More "Tips on how to repair the control system of an electric scooter in Vilnius

Batteries for electric scooters

The battery and the motor are the two main parts of every e-scooter. The battery can be built into the scooter platform or be part of the mast. The size of your battery will determine how far you can travel on your scooter. The battery status is usually displayed on your screen so that you don't suddenly find yourself with a dead battery. Speed and power The size of your motor will determine the speed and ability of your scooter... Read More "Batteries for electric scooters

Benefits of electric scooters

Ultra-simple transport and storage Most modern e-scooters are light and portable. This means they are easy to fold up and put in the boot of your car when you're on the move. They can also be easily stored in any corner of your home when not in use. Electric motors are more efficient than combustion engines Electric scooter motors get their power from rechargeable batteries. They... Read More "Benefits of electric scooters

The benefits of electric scooters: the way to sustainability, health and savings

Sometimes people choose to travel by electric scooter instead of conventional cars because it gives them a trendy and innovative image. Many of them are not even aware of the many advantages of electric scooters that they get when they choose this vehicle. The use of electric scooters has several advantages that benefit both the user and the environment. This is why governments in various countries around the world are encouraging people to use these eco-friendly scooters,... Read More "The benefits of electric scooters: the way to sustainability, health and savings

How long does an electric scooter battery last?

An electric scooter's battery typically lasts between 3 000 and 10 000 kilometres. However, battery life depends on many factors: the type of battery, the size, your riding style and the maintenance of the scooter. Be aware that all electric scooter batteries lose capacity over time. This means that with use, the efficiency, capacity and performance of the battery will gradually decrease. However, the latest... Read More "How long does an electric scooter battery last?

Batteries for e-scooters: a source of energy for getting around

An e-scooter works thanks to a battery that supplies power to its various components: motor, controller, lights, etc. When you press the speed knob, the speed controller sends a signal to the battery to give energy to the motor, which then moves the scooter forward. Most e-scooters use lithium-ion batteries because they offer higher capacity and longer life. The battery pack includes a battery... Read More "Batteries for e-scooters: a source of energy for getting around