- Vilnius - Kareivių g. 11A "RIMI" +370-655-77057
- Kaunas - 155 Savanorių Ave. +370-639-69600
- Klaipėda - Sausio 15-osios str. 13 +370-647-07741
- Šiauliai - Gegužių g. 30 "Arena" +370-682-29052
Taisykla7 provides professional coffee machine repairs. We'll do everything we can to make sure your coffee machine produces the best-tasting coffee for you and runs smoothly.
We work directly with JURA, SAECO, GAGGIA, SIEMENS, DELONGHI, AEG, KRUPS and other parts suppliers. This ensures the highest quality of work and good prices, avoiding middlemen. We use original parts for repairs. Always we offer a guarantee.
Coffee machines are also descaled.
We always carry out an initial diagnosis within 1 working day before repairs. Need more detailed information? Contact us.
If you have home insurance or the appliance is insured, we can issue a defect certificate to the insurance company.

Coffee machine repairs - price list
Service | Price | Warranty |
Troubleshooting (diagnostics) of a coffee machine | 5 € | – |
Cleaning, descaling (complete reassembly, cleaning of press, strainers and other parts) | From 45 € | – |
Repair/replacement of coffee grinder/mill (usually when coffee is not being ground) | From 45 € | 2 months. |
Repair/replacement of the water heater (boiler) (usually when the coffee is too cold) | From 45 € | 2 months. |
Repairing the coffee press (usually when the coffee is not flowing properly or not flowing at all, missing water, stuttering, etc.) | From 50 € | 2 months. |
Repair/replacement of gaskets (usually when water leaks) | From 15 € | 2 months. |
Certificate of defect of the coffee machine to the insurance company (paid by the insurance) | 25 € | – |

Coffee machine repairs - the most common faults
If coffee machine brokenentrusting it to professionals for repair is the most reliable solution. However, before you do that, you may want to try fix the coffee machine themselves. Below is a list of the most common faults. Perhaps one of them is the one you are experiencing? Faults are often caused by improper operation, maintenance and user error. So, before you take your coffee machine to the technicians, see how you can solve some of the most common problems.
1. The coffee machine does not make coffee
When a coffee machine simply stops working completely, the cause could be any of the following:
- The on/off switch on the coffee machine is broken or the power cord is bad.
- Closed/clogged valve.
- Blocked pipes.
- Required descaling the coffee machine
If a switch or a cable that is integrated into the appliance has broken, the appliance should be taken to a repair shop for repair. In this case, attempting to repair the appliance yourself may cause more damage to the appliance itself and is unsafe for humans.
A clogged valve can be solved by picking up debris with a toothpick.
You can try washing the calcium-clogged tubes by running vinegar through the coffee machine and then running water over them a couple of times to remove the vinegar completely.
If the problem persists, please contact us and professional coffee machine repairs.
2. The coffee machine is not dispensing hot water
Sometimes the coffee machine may stop supplying hot water. Steam may be supplied instead. This may be due to the coffee machine being unable to draw water from the reservoir. This may be due to the machine 'trapping air'. Why might this happen? The main cause is an incorrectly fitted water tank. If your machine has a water tank fitted, make sure you have inserted it correctly and pushed it in all the way.
Follow these steps:
- Switch the machine off.
- Remove and empty the water tank and remove the water filter.
- Fill the reservoir with water and put it back in place.
- Switch the machine on.
If the advice has not helped, please contact the Taisykla7 coffee machine technicians.
3. Clogged filter basket in the coffee machine / bad coffee brewing
If your coffee has a strange taste, a clogged filter basket may be to blame. The reusable filter basket in your coffee machine should be cleaned regularly as it can become clogged with coffee essential oils, which can lead to a strange taste or weak coffee. To clean the filter, rinse the filter thoroughly with warm, soapy water after you have finished brewing for the day, or you can wash the filter in the dishwasher (top shelf).
In any case, wipe the filter with a clean damp cloth after cleaning. If you want to clean the filter more deeply, soak it in a mixture of plain and distilled water and let it soak for a few hours. Alternatively, leave it to soak overnight. You can also use a scrubbing brush with a little baking soda for cleaning.
Is the problem still there? Contact us for a quick diagnosis.
4. No water leaking through the head of the coffee machine
If the head of the coffee machine is clogged, the water usually does not pass through it. The blockage is caused by lack of cleaning or improper cleaning. Most people do not clean their coffee machines at home as regularly or as thoroughly as they do in coffee shops. A dirty coffee machine can also lead to many other problems. To prevent these problems, flush your coffee machine daily.
Still not resolved? We can help.
5. Water flows continuously through the head of the coffee machine
This can happen if the continuous filling button has been left on. Most coffee machines have a continuous brew button for various situations, for example if the machine's touch panel suddenly stops working. The continuous brew button can be used to manually dispense the coffee. However, sometimes the button can be activated without being released. The solution to this case is quite simple - just switch the button off.
Another similar problem is that the water splashes sideways in an irregular pattern. This irregular splashing is most likely caused by dirty discharge filters. Although this does not affect the quality of the coffee, it can be quite annoying. The solution, again, is regular cleaning of the machine. By washing the machine regularly, you will ensure that the machine is in good working order instead of accumulating dirt and not having to undergo repair.
6. ESPRESSO coffee machine knob comes loose
The handle may come loose because it has been overfilled with coffee. A large amount of coffee is not needed to brew coffee properly. Even if you want to make more cups from one handle, do not overfill it. Instead, buy larger baskets or a handle that can hold more coffee.
7. The coffee machine does not foam milk
Frothing is the aeration of milk, which produces a rich and thick foam. There are various reasons why your coffee machine may have a problem with milk foaming, such as:
- Low or too slow vapour pressure build-up.
- Clogged steam nozzle.
- Milk quality.
Sometimes milk may simply not flow, and there are several reasons for this. Part of the reason may be the content of monoglycerides, diglycerides and free fatty acids. These compounds are formed when bacteria or enzymes in the milk act on the milk fat. This process is called lipolysis.
If the cause is vapour pressure, check that the pressure is correct. Steps you can try:
- Remove the steam nozzle and clean it thoroughly.
- Test a new batch of milk.
Make sure the milk container is clean before trying to boil the milk again with fresh milk.
Advice didn't help? Contact our craftsmen for a quality workmanship coffee machine repairs you can enjoy great coffee again.
8. The coffee machine does not heat/steam
Generally, a coffee machine does not stay hot or release steam when its power switch is in the wrong position. If you experience this problem, try switching the coffee machine off and on again. Most coffee machines have switches that can be arranged in different ways. There may be one switch with different positions or two switches.
The first switch, at position 1, activates all the functions of the appliance except the heating circuit. This function is usually used by technicians to diagnose problems or to carry out maintenance on the machine.
The second or second position switch switches on the heating circuit of the machine so that it can heat and operate as required. Quite often, coffee machine users, especially those who use more complex machines at home, are not aware of these different switches and their functions.
These switches can easily be inadvertently adjusted, e.g.:
- Turn on the switch on the dashboard when cleaning.
- You can press the switch underneath the machine to remove moisture from underneath it.
No advice and need coffee machine repairs? Contact.
9. The coffee machine does not make coffee
If your coffee is slow or non-existent, the grind setting may be to blame. The most likely cause is that the grind is set too fine. Another cause could be overfilling the coffee. If you encounter this problem, remove the handle from the head of the machine and press the volume control button. If the water runs fine, the cause could be either the grind setting or overfilling of the coffee. In this case, change the grind to a coarser grind. However, if the water only drips or runs irregularly when you press the volume control button, the problem may be more serious and cannot be solved by yourself. A professional will be required coffee machine repairs or descaling your coffee machine.
10. Coffee brewed too quickly
Coffee may run out of the machine more quickly if the grinding setting is too coarse or if not enough coffee has been added to the machine's knob. To correct this problem, increase the dosage or adjust the grinder on the coffee machine to a finer grind. Make sure to add fresh coffee when trying to adjust things.
11. Water flows through the bottom of the coffee machine
A blocked drain pipe is the main reason why a coffee machine starts to let water out from the bottom. In this case, the first thing to do is to check whether the water coming out is clean or not. If the drain water is dirty, it means that the drain hose may be blocked. Causes of such blockages can include too much milk, chocolate or coffee beans. Also, make sure the drain hose is not twisted or blocked. If the drain hose is blocked, use a degreasing solution or hot water to unclog it. To solve the problem effectively, we recommend adding some coffee machine cleaner to the drain.
12. The grinder starts, but does not grind
The grinder starts, but does not grind, because the grinding mode is set to ultrafine. You may have set the grind setting so fine that the blades of the grinder may be in contact with each other, so the grinder does not work as intended. The amount of coffee you put into the machine is very important to get the ideal coffee. Increase the level of care in the grinder. Also, clean the funnel. As a precaution, clean the funnel once a week.
13. No pressure in the steam handle
The water temperature and pressure in the heads may be good, but the pressure in the steam handle may be zero. Cleaning the handle should solve this problem. The problem may also be due to a malfunction of the pressure gauge, which indicates a bad pressure. Please note that some coffee machines may take some time after switching on to heat up sufficiently and function properly, between 5 and 15 minutes.
We hope you found our coffee experts' advice helpful. However, if problems persist, please contact us and we will do the following prompt and high-quality repairs of coffee machines.
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