- Vilnius - Kareivių g. 11A "RIMI" 8-655-77057
- Kaunas - 155 Savanorių Ave. 8-639-69600
- Klaipėda - Sausio 15-osios str. 13 8-647-07741
- Šiauliai - Gegužių g. 30 "Arena" 8-682-29052
Taisykla7 professionally carries out all types of camera repairs and repair of other photo equipment: repair of video cameras, lens repairs, flash repairs.
- Repair of household cameras and camcorders
- Repair of professional cameras and camcorders
- Lens repairs
We work directly with the manufacturers of the parts, so we guarantee the quality of our work: Canon, Nikon, Cosina, FujiFilm, Sony, Panasonic, Kodak, Samsung, Olympus, Minolta, Lumix, Casio, Pentax, Tamron, Nikkor, Polaroid.
Attention! If you have insurance for your camera, camcorder or home property, we will issue a repair certificate to your insurance and your insurance will cover the cost of repairs before or after the repair. We work with all insurance companies.
We always carry out an initial diagnosis within 1 working day before repairs. Need more detailed information? Contact us.
Camera repairs - price list
Service | Price | Warranty |
Troubleshooting (diagnostics) a camera or camcorder | 5 € | – |
Repairing the lens (dropped, bumped, dirt - sand, etc.) | From 30 € | 2 months. |
Flash repairs (won't go off or won't open or doesn't work at all, etc.) | From 20 € | 2 months. |
Cleaning the camera or camcorder, cleaning the matrix (dust, dirt, grit, etc.) | From 20 € | 2 months. |
Repair of a camera or camcorder after a bump, drop, repair of the diaphragm | From 30 € | 2 months. |
Repair/replacement of the motherboard (usually after wiping with liquids etc.) | From 30 € | 2 months. |
Solving focusing problems, fixing the focusing node (usually bad focus or no focus at all) | From 30 € | 2 months. |
Lock repairs | From 25 € | 2 months. |
Matrix cleaning | From 15 € | 2 months. |
Repair of mechanical damage | From 30 € | 2 months. |
Photo equipment defect certificate for the insurance company (paid by the insurance) | 25 € | – |
Most common faults
- Out of focus
- Update settings
- does not connect
- Lens does not open
- The lens shrinks back when switched on
- A black dot appears when zoomed in
- Broken screen
- Does not respond to clicks
- Darkening in the corner of the photo
- Fast discharge
- Nothing appears on the screen
- The lens doesn't always come out
- Blurred photos
- Incomplete lens development
- Indicates a specific error (error)
- Not taking photos
- Shuts down
- In case of a broken connector
- Flash does not work
- Switches off immediately after switching on
- Extraneous noises
- The display is of poor quality
- Out of focus
- Poor focus
- Filled with liquid
- He was caught in the liquid
- Caught in the sand
- Zoom does not work
- Broken lid
- Not working in all possible modes
- Shows a spot in the image
- Perform prophylaxis
- Flickering screen image
For more information on camera repairs you can read here.
Required Camera repairs? Please contact us and we'll be happy to help!
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