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The smart revolution: how technology is changing our morning cup of coffee

As coffee consumption habits change, automatic coffee machine developers introduce impressive new models every year. This year 2023 is no exception: the market leaders have already showcased their latest products, which are awaiting evaluation by coffee enthusiasts. We present this year's star coffee machines - what are their surprising features and what do they offer to those who want to enjoy great coffee in their own home?

Regulating the details of the coffee production process is becoming increasingly important

As coffee culture grows and understanding of the various subtleties of coffee production, including the effect of temperature and extraction time on the taste of coffee, increases, more and more coffee enthusiasts are seeking precise control over every step of the coffee preparation process and are willing to experiment with different preparation techniques. Of course, they are also looking for ways to make it as easy as possible - at the touch of a button!

Experimentation with cold brew and cold milk foam is one of the most obvious trends in the coffee world in recent years.

Iced coffee and a variety of iced coffee drinks are particularly popular, not only in summer but also in winter. Cold-brewed coffee is characterised by a lower level of acidity and bitterness and a mild, sweet taste. It is a refreshing choice, which is particularly suitable for high-quality, varietal coffees.

Innovative management: continuous improvement of smart apps

The common thread running through all home appliances is a move towards greater smartness. This also applies to coffee machines: each manufacturer is updating its smart apps and offering control of coffee machines not only through increasingly expandable and high-resolution colour touchscreens, but also through smart devices.